Details Coming Soon
Heart Butte High School Gymnasium

Tuesday, March 25 @6:00pm
Browning Elementary Gymnasium

Open to ages 10+. Please register in advance.

Registration Deadline is Sunday, March 23 @5:00pm
We encourage online pre-registration but if not, you can register at the event starting at 5:30pm

Please complete registration information

Siycom’s Make It Rain Free Throw Contest


a. There shall be one contest in Browning and one in Heart Butte open to cagers of all genders.

b. Eligibility: Contestants must be 10 years old as of the date of the contest. Contestants under the age limit will be ineligible to participate. Contestants under age 18 will need parent present to win. Current Browning Public School Varsity Boys and Girls Basketball players are not eligible to participate per school rules.  

c. Equipment: Tennis shoes are necessary. T-shirt, slacks or pants may be worn. Basketball uniforms would be preferred but are not required.

d. Basketballs: Official Balls will be provided at the Contest. Male Contestants 10 on up age divisions will use a 29.5 size basketball. Female Contestants A 28.5 size basketball in circumference can be used by ladies of all ages.

e. A limit of 30 male and 30 female contestants per competition can sign up. 1st prize winner of initial contest is not eligible to participate in the following held contest. Registration will be on a first come first served basis.

f. Contest is free to all participants.

g. Prizes for the Browning & Heart Butte contest: $500 for 1st, $300 for 2nd, & $200 for 3rd.

h. There will be zero tolerance for unsportsmanlike conduct, intimidation, trash talking or bullying. Contestant will be disqualified from competition. Contestant or spectator in violation of this part may be asked to leave.


1. The Director must set the time, date and place for the contest. All participants should be notified accordingly so there will be no misunderstanding as to any of the above. The contestants must be present and ready to participate at the time their contest starts. In no case may a contestant shoot before or after the designated time as set by the director.

2. Alphabetical order of last name will determine shooting position.

3. All contestants should be allowed 10 minutes to warm up and get acquainted with the floor and basket under the supervision of the contest officials.

4. In Round One, each contestant in order of their last name A-Z will get five warm up shots, if desired, and then will shoot 10 for score. It shall be the duty of the line judge to inform the contestant and the scorers that the contestant is shooting for score. This will be the last audio contact the line judge will have with the contestant. In the event a foul is committed, the line judge will indicate it by signaling a "T" with his or her hands, signifying a technical foul has been committed. This should be in clear view of the contestant and the three judges. Scorers should make the notation on their score sheet as a missed shot with a circled "T." Upon completing their warmup shots and 10 shots for score, the contestant will then go to the end of the line or sit on a chair or bleacher until the remaining contestants have completed their warm ups and 10 shots. The Four side baskets will be used in this round.

5. Contestants cannot bounce the ball more than four times between shots. Penalty, the shot is void. A free throw is the opportunity given a contestant to score a point for score from within the free throw circle and behind the free throw line. A free throw begins when the ball is given to the free thrower at the free throw line. It ends when the try is successful; or it is certain the try will not be successful; or when the ball becomes dead.

6. Contestant must stay behind the foul line until the ball has touched the hoop, backboard or net. Line violations will be the same as indicated in rule 4. The penalty for this mistake is the loss of basket if made. 

7. Round Two will take the top 10 scores including ties. The same rules apply as stated above except that you will be given only two warm up shots, and you will shoot five shots for score.

8. Round Three (Championship Round) will take the top 3 scores including ties. The same rules apply as stated above except that you will be given only one warm up shot and you will shoot three shots for score. Ties will continue until 1st, 2nd & 3rd place is determined. Example #1:  if 7 contestants make the finals, and after the first three shots, two contestants hit all three, three made two, and two made one. The two who made one are eliminated, the three who made two will shoot three shots until one remains for third place, and the two who hit all three will shoot three shots until the champion and runner-up is determined. Example #2: If five contestants make the finals, and three contestants make all three shots, the two who didn’t make all three are eliminated and the three who did will continue shooting until 1st, 2nd , & 3rd  is established. Example #3: Three contestants make the finals. One hits all three and two make two out of three. The contestant that made all three is the champion and the two who made two will continue until 2nd and 3rd place is determined. No warm-up shot will be given in the tie-breaker rounds.   

9. Only contestants, officials and scorers will be allowed on the floor during the contest.

10. There should be three scorers at each basket to record the results on score sheets, and they should sit behind the contestants while they are shooting. There should be three officials with striped shirts, and they should wear gym shoes. At each basket, there should be one official on each side of the foul line to retrieve the ball, which they should throw back to the line official standing by the contestant. The line official should then hand the ball to the shooter. This line official will signal to the scorers made or missed shots. The decision of the scorer is final, and no spectator, because of their count, can change the scorer’s decision.

11. No flash pictures should be taken of a contestant while shooting for score except by official photographer designated by the Director.

12. No one should be allowed to sit close to the basket or cause any disturbance while the contestant is shooting. If so, the official must stop the contest and clear the area.

13. All people attending the contest should sit on the side of the gym and maintain complete silence and in no way cause any commotion that will distract the shooter.

14. The basketballs used in the contest should be furnished by the Director of the contest, and it is his or her duty to make sure that regulation-size basketballs, as described in rule d. under equipment, are used and the required amount of air pressure (7-9 Ibs.) has been checked before the contest.